For a PM you’d need to set a few of the composer options differently.
Something like this:
(Same as above, in a theme component in the </head>
<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8.18">
api.decorateWidget("header-buttons:after", helper => {
if (Discourse.User.current()) {
// edit these two to your liking
var $ntb_text = "New Personal Message",
$ntb_icon = "heart",
// no need to edit these
$ntb_icon_class = ".fa-" + $ntb_icon,
$ntb_button_class = "btn btn-default btn btn-icon-text",
$ntb_button_helper = "button#new-create-topic-custom",
$ntb_icon_helper =
"i.fa" + $ntb_icon_class + ".d-icon .d-icon-" + $ntb_icon,
$ntb_label_helper = "span.d-button-label";
const createPM = function() {
const container = Discourse.__container__,
Composer = require("discourse/models/composer").default,
composerController = container.lookup("controller:composer");{
action: Composer.PRIVATE_MESSAGE,
// 1- set recipients (Case Sensitive) or comment the line below
usernames: "discobot,john,mike",
// 2- set title or comment the line below
topicTitle: "Title",
// 3- uncomment the line below to set a "template" for PM.
// Not really recommended will
// override any drafts everytime the
// button is pressed
// topicBody: "placeholder content",
// no need to change these
archetypeId: "private_message",
return helper.h(
className: $ntb_button_class,
title: $ntb_text,
onclick: createPM
[helper.h($ntb_icon_helper), helper.h($ntb_label_helper, $ntb_text)]
Obviously, if you plan on using all three buttons you can reduce the size of the code quite drastically because most of it is shared by all three, but I kept things separate because some might just want to use one and not all three.
What this will do is add a button to the header like so:
Clicking the button will open the composer and the fields will be pre-filled with whatever you chose:
I already left a comment in the code about setting any placeholder content in the body for PMs using this method. It’s not recommended unless you have a very specific template. This will override any previously saved PM drafts everytime you use the button.
That’s why it’s “off” by default in the code above.
I’ve tested this a bit and have not seen any problems. If you encounter anything let me know.