How to create topics from a custom email address?


I want anyone (non-users or users) to be able to create new topics in a category by emailing,

I don’t want them to have to use the genetic email that appears when you check Accept incoming emails sent to:

What are my options for doing this?

Hey there!
Perhaps this is what you’re looking for?

Hi @NateDhaliwal

Thanks for the advice, this caught my eye in the link you posted,

Let me setup forwarding and see what happens.

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OK I setup forwarding.

An email without an account: sends the email to and this gets forward correctly and a new topic is created.

Clicking reply in Discourse causes an email to be send to the original sender.


Do you mean a reply to the topic?

Ahh you replied to fast (I tried to strikethrough the text but that was not an option, but edited the post instead)

Excuse me, it does seem to be working! Yes, Reply to the topic is Discourse does seem to send an email to the original user.

Does that tally with your experience and expectation of the feature?


it’s impossible

it’s ~~im~~possible


how embarrassing Thank you.

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Happy to help!

In theory, yes. I’ve never actually used it lol.

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