How to disable Link Click Counters?

How can I disable the clicks that are visible corresponding to the link?

Or make it visible only to the staff. It’s distracting the users of the forum as our forum is highly dependent on complying multiple posts and using links to compile them.

To hide them for everyone, you can follow this CSS snippet:

For staff only, you can use this CSS instead:

body:not(.staff) .badge.badge-notification.clicks {
    display: none;

This leaves a hidden whitespace… which makes sentences ending with a hyperlink look weird .

Notice the space between the d and dot.

I know it’s a small thing but it looks very off. I’ve been looking for a solution but haven’t been able to find something yet…

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We’ve pushed an update to how click counters are implemented. There are some improvements now such as copying text doesn’t pick up click counter numbers.

You should be able to hide click counters by doing the following, and it should not leave any spaces in between.

a[data-clicks]::after {
     display: none;

Hey @keegan, thank you so much for getting back to me on this, appreciate it a lot!