How to enable a banner topic?

I was just reading this article about adding a banner topic, but in the Admin settings I do not have the setting ‘banner topic’ as described in the article. Is there a setting I have to activate first?

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That article is old. Now it is under Admin settings on the topic, pin topic, and at the bottom there is the option to make it a banner topic.


Awesome, thanks Owen both for the answer and the quick reply!

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Hey, @codinghorror. Perhaps you should update or archive that old post.

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I was going to bump it, but I saw that it was closed. @codinghorror my suggestion is that you make some of the essential tutorials into wikis so that users can edit them as soon as they change.


OK, I edited that topic to bring it up to date.


I found that in order to make a banner topic, you had to select a topic, press a hamburger button, choose Un-pin topic... and then press a button to make it a banner topic.

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You need to Un-pin only if a topic is already Pinned (on its category) or Pinned globally (on the topics list). If it’s a normal topic you do need to Un-pin.

Is possible to make the topic banner appear more than one time?

The banner will keep appearing until the user clicks the :x:


Yes, I know that, I’m trying to say that its a way to be show again after the user closes it, because some users simply don’t pay much attention on announcements… As we soon will be putting our phpbb forum down and the Discourse on, will be nice to remember them for a couple days about the changes in usability.
Anyway, thank you :slight_smile: )

If they close it, You can just pin a new topic, but they won’t read it either. (it might reset if you un pin it and pin it again, but they still won’t read it.)


Some of them will! Just not the ones you’d really, really, WANT to read it! Your A students who sit in the front row will read everything.


Hahaha… Yeah, as a good part of our community are nerds, geeks and gamers, those certainly will! It’s about helping the others that matters more showing the changes between phpbb and Discourse :slight_smile:


Thanks, but I still cannot find it.

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Go to the topic/post you want to use as a banner, click on the wrench at the lower left as shown below.

Click “Pin Topic…”, then on the popup menu scroll down to the bottom and select the “Banner Topic” button as shown below.


Thank you so much !!!

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