How to enable email templates

In the admin console, I have gone to Customize- > Email templates and would like to send one of the templates as a welcome.

How can I adjust the settings for different templates? For example, sending a welcome template to users after they join.

I checked the sent emails and I have noticed that my users have only received signup, digest, user posted, user mentioned.


If you search for the site setting ā€™ discourse narrative bot welcome post typeā€™ and select ā€˜Send all new users a welcome message with a quick start guideā€™, new users will receive a notification that uses the Welcome User email template. They will receive this as a notification when they first visit the forum. I donā€™t see an option to automatically send the notification as an email.


Hi Simon, I donā€™t think any of my users are receiving this notification.

Is there a way I can troubleshoot?


The easiest way to see if new users are getting the notification is to create a new account on your site and see if you get it. I can confirm that on my own site, if the discourse narrative bot welcome post type Site Setting is set to ā€˜Send all new users a welcome message with a quick start guideā€™, new users get the New User notification when they first login to the site.

To edit the content of this message, you can either edit the email template that I mentioned above, or go to Admin/Customize/Text Content and edit system_messages.welcome_user.text_body_template and system_messages.usage_tips.text_body_template. Editing the text content instead of the email template lets you edit the placeholders that are used in the email template.


Ok so is this correct: Enable: ā€œdiscourse narrative bot enabledā€
Disable: ā€œdisable the narrative bot welcome messageā€

Is there any way I can send that template out to my users without using the bot?

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