How to exclude a Category from search or Search through all categories except one+

I’m trying to exclude a category from but this feature does not seem to work.As an alternative, I also tried to search through multiple categories but this doesn’t work either. Is there a way around this?

Hello and welcome @Alimot_Akinbode :slight_smile:

The search doesn’t currently support those features, however we do have a new set of topic filters which has more scope for that sort of combination (which will hopefully become part of the search as well at some point :crossed_fingers:).

We have them enabled on Meta at the moment at if you want to check them out. :+1:

And you can read more about them in:


Thank you @JammyDodger . I just checked this out and it’s looks good. However, I’ll like to know if this has a json endpoint just like /search.json

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