How to export WordPress users in discourse?

I am a member of wordpress and I find that the development is zero! So I would like to export my 2,500 registered Discourse.
I would like to know how?

There is no good way to do this at the moment, but it has been asked for a few times. The solution would be to create a WordPress import script that works in the same way as the existing Discourse import scripts.

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Yes but how ? Can help me? I am new here !

It would need to be done by someone who knows about Discourse development. I will look at it and see if it is something I can easily do.

Thank you so much ! :heart_eyes:

Also did you checked our WP Discourse plugin? Which can be used as SSO login provider.


No, I do not want to develop wordpress anymore!

Are your current WP users in bbPress? There is an importer for that:


I do not use bbpress ! I use

What interests me is the users of my site!

If you just want to import users you can install bbPress plugin and proceed the migration above. I hope it will work for you.

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I misunderstood install ubuntu? Can not do via filezilla?

No. You need a Discourse development environment and to run a ruby script to read the users from the database and create users in Discourse.

To be clear, you want just users and don’t care about your question-and-answer data?

Do you have a budget, or do you want to do this yourself?

Do you care about passwords?