How to format the contact_url on /about

Here on meta the about page has (note how the email address is plain text):

Contact Us

In the event of a critical issue or urgent matter affecting this site, please
contact us at

I’d like to have a similar message where the contact_url is an email address but when I try this on my instance I get:

Contact Us

In the event of a critical issue or urgent matter affecting this site, please
contact us at

i.e. the email address becomes a bogus link to domain.tld/ If I put I get a proper email link but the link text is literally instead of just

How can I get my about page to be like meta where the email is plain text or even better would be how to get a proper email link without the mailto: part being part of the link text.

Meta has a filled-out contact email and a blank contact url.


But my discourse told me (in bold letters):

Until you set these required fields, your Discourse is broken!

So I thought I better put something there :smile:

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In this case, you get to choose :smile: The tip-off is supposed to be that both of them have “Used on the /about contact form for urgent matters”. Also, with digest/mobile logo url have an “If left blank” clause.

And why is “exclude rel nofollow domains” in the Required section o.o