How to fully utilize DO Server with 4GB RAM?

My digital ocean server has 4 GB Memory, 80gb disk, 2 vCPUs.

How do I fully utilize it, because I read somewhere on meta awhile back where the standard self-host install of Discourse is optimised for a 2GB RAM server, and that you have to change some things in SSH for a 4gb server. Thanks

It should scale up as it needs more resources! to utilize the 4GB you should focus on building engagement. :wink:


The ./discourse-setup script sets the memory parameters correctly based on cpu cores and ram detected, already.

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What about if the specs have changed? I originally setup on a 2GB droplet but have upgraded to a 4GB droplet. Do I have to do anything to take advantage of the additional memory or has Discourse already handled that automagically?

Run the setup again and it should enter the new values appropriate for your RAM and CPU.

What’s this? Also is this going to delete my website and start over or anything?

It has been a long time since I installed my forum. How do I run the setup again? Will I have to redo all mail settings, etc? I’m a little nervous I’ll stuff things up & regret doing anything at all…


In any case, I think you should make a backup just in case something happens.

See where it says “memory paramesters updated?” That means that it updated the memory parameters. You can either

./launcher rebuild app


./launcher destroy app
./launcher start app

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