How to get top 3 topic which have most active replies in last 30 days

Hello folk,

I am working to getting top 3 topics which have most active replies in last 30 days i want to show that topics only and i am customizing in show case category plugin so in js side i have run the below code but seems like its returning in promise…can anybody tell me how can i do this ?

showcased-topic-list.js"topicList", filter).then((topicList) => {
      var idaas = [];
      var final_arr = [];
      topicList.topics =  topicList.topics.forEach(async(t) => {
        const response =  await ajax(`/t/${}/posts.json`).then(async(result) => {  
            await result.post_stream.posts.forEach((p) => {
               let date1 = new Date();
               let date2 = new Date(p.created_at);
               let Difference_In_Time = date1.getTime() - date2.getTime();
               let Difference_In_Days = Difference_In_Time / (1000 * 3600 * 24);
               if(Difference_In_Days <= 30){
        return idaas; 


example :
var smallarrq = ['71782', '72307'];
     topicList.topics.filter((t) =>  smallarrq.includes(, settings.max_list_length)

I want this final_arr array looks like above smallarrq array but its returning as promise.
Please help folks i am doing from many days so

Thank you,