As shown in the snap below, I don’t want to show the latest topics in categories of mobile home page. How can I achieve this?
I’ve tried to hide it through CSS, but it is hiding not just in home page, but in other pages too.
As shown in the snap below, I don’t want to show the latest topics in categories of mobile home page. How can I achieve this?
I’ve tried to hide it through CSS, but it is hiding not just in home page, but in other pages too.
In the customize > themes > mobile > CSS
try this:
.clearfix.category-topics-count {
display: none;
This is taking away the 3 topics shown below the sub categories in the category page too. I’ve tried this already as mentioned in the original post. I want the topics to be hidden only in the home page categories.
Has there been any update on this?
As i’m having the same issue
Mobile / CSS
.navigation-categories {
.category-topic-link {
display: none;