Show Only Categories on Mobile View

Hello all,

When viewing All Categories on mobile, there are a few topics displayed above the post titles, which are shown under the category they belong to. I am using both Categories and Sub-Categories. In the admin panel, there is an option to show Categories Only, but this does not affect the mobile view. How can I configure it to show Categories Only on the mobile view?

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If you want to hide the topic list below the category specifically on mobile, you can do this by going to the Edit HTML/CSS section and adding the following under the Mobile tab:

.category-list-item tr.category-topic-link {
    display: none;

If you’re unsure how to edit the HTML/CSS, you can visit Click on Install, then + Create New. Name it anything, set the type to Component, and then open the file you created. On the right, you will find the option to Edit HTML/CSS.

Also, make sure to enable that component for your theme. For more details, you can visit Making Custom CSS Changes on Your Site.

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Works like a charm! It makes my mobile categories page beautiful. Appreciate your guidance.