How to schedule posts (not topics)?

And there is a plugin Discourse Private Replies


Does that have a “reveal all” feature?

Sounds like eureka.
This should be appropriate.
I’ll try to get it installed through my third party hosting service.
Much thanks.

In all these cases you can use the Automation plugin to schedule posts


With this option, only admins can then schedule posts, from my understanding. What if I want to have others be able to schedule posts (thinking our employees)?

our use case for something like this is to help facilitate conversations/reminders on topics about our events. We want to remind folks say 1 week, and then 1 day before the event via scheduled replies.

We would also use this to action a playbook that we have where we have set actions at particular times, for example, 1 month before the event, the event is created (can use regular scheduling for this). Then 1 week later, we introduce the presenter and source agenda topics/items for the event, so on & so forth…