How to setup outgoing Discourse mails from Office365/Exchange for notifications without using SMTP?

Hey folks,

Is there a way to setup outgoing Discourse mails for notifications without using SMTP? Instead we need exchange / Office365. How to setup / authenticate without enabling SMTP on the Microsoft side?

We are using discourse docker self-hosted on a Plesk-managed ubuntu server. Problem is, that we moved our mail domain from self-hosted mailserver to microsoft office 365.

Thank you

There is no sending Discourse email without SMTP.

The easiest solution is to use something like mailgun. Your forum is on a different subdomain, so you’ll configure mailgun to use that rather than your apex domain that MS is handling.

If you don’t like that answer, set up your own self-hosted mail server again (which I do not recommmend, but you did it before, so you must know how to do it and why not to).