I am not getting any emails

I am having issues getting emails, I am not using a 3rd party service for SMTP.

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UPDATE: I get this this when trying to do email test

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Discourse cannot reach your mail server.

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I am using Gmail SMTP, and this is my configuration.

DISCOURSE_SMTP_USER_NAME: ******@gmail.com

I’m working on a local server, please help me on this. It’s very urgent.

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Do not use Gmail or G Suite to send your Discourse emails, it breaks the terms of service.


okay, so can you let me know, which one SMTP service can we use into this.

See the email section of our install guide: https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/docs/INSTALL-cloud.md#email


It will work with gmail SMTP?

No. You asked for other email services to use, and I shared that link which helps you see other email providers to use when installing Discourse.

Take a look through that guide and then ask your questions based on the issues you had following that guide.

If you choose to follow other steps outside that guide (like using other mail providers), you make it harder to answer your questions.


Actually I created virtaul host for discourse host in ubuntu machine, so I think hosts not able to send the mail. Please sujjest, what should I do?

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Can you confirm which of the other email services you selected?

I’m not using Gmail,
I’m using the mail server that came with site

Then you should get those who run that mail server to help you.

If your situation is urgent the best thing to do is use a service like mailgun which thousands of people have used.


Mail gun you have to put in a credit card

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so wha do I do?
Im not sure

I am trying to use sendgrid,
it says they sent the mail but it did not?

If discourse says it sent it, then it handed it to Sendgrid. Check your sendgrid logs.

If sendgrid said it sent it, then it sent it somewhere. Check your spam folder.

See Troubleshooting email on a new Discourse install


I checked the soudgrid logs lol,
nothing in them

mailjet worked until my account got banned

I am now trying sparkpost