Admin → Badges.
Can you please advise how to make checkboxes next to the standard badges (like Anniversary) active?
I can’t set Show badge on the public badges page
for some reason.
Badges SQL editable settings doesn’t have any influence and I’m not able to find any other setting in the Admin Settings.
I must be overlooking something obvious… Thanks.
September 6, 2024, 5:51pm
Show badge on the public badges page
is checked by default on the anniversary badge like all other default badges in core.
The checkmark (for me at least) is very faint, so at a glance, it may seem like its not checked but it is.
Is it editable for you?
There are multiple read only settings (badge group, type, etc.). Whole bunch of badges can’t be edited. Maybe it had stopped showing publicly between upgrades. I will need to dig in the code probably.
All read-only badges have an attribute “system = true” in the database.
September 6, 2024, 8:43pm
No. Its greyed out hence not editable for me.
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Yeah, as far as I know, the system badges can’t have a whole ton of editing done to them.
If you don’t want it visible to the public, the next best alternative would probably be to disable it fully, if that’s what your asking?