How to show topic-map on non-commented posts?

Yeah, I now remember that I had disabled this component after toggling on that setting.
Now that setting is also on and this component also on. But it isn’t working in either case (even when I had removed the component).

Is there any requirement of some replies, before it appears?

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Seems to work well.


But this is only ‘View Count’. And this view count is appearing because of the Theme Component.

Whereas, I wished ‘Full Topic Map’, because I thought that option meant ‘Topic Map’.

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Low counts are hidden


Oh!! Oh!!


(Discourse has got some indicators at diff places for such settings and their effects. But I failed to find this explanation anywhere. Hope this topic will cover people like me).


I am strongly in support of unconditionally showing topic map, even on topics with zero replies @lindsey / @zogstrip

At least when you have a documentation topic you will be able to see how many people viewed it and be able to summarize it.


When I test this, if I have show topic map in topics without replies enabled, I see the topic map even for brand new topics:

The AI-powered Summarize button seems to appear for any topic on Meta with at least one reply (note that we have show topic map in topics without replies disabled here, so I’m guessing we’d see it for topics without replies if we enabled that setting).

So we could enable that setting by default, but I don’t know how we can show summaries all the time for sites that don’t have AI summaries enabled (like my test site).

The non-AI “Summarize This Topic” feature has some default minimums:

  • summary posts required, defaults to 50
  • summary likes required, defaults to 1

Maybe those defaults are too high? But based on how that feature works, I don’t think it really makes sense to show it all the time.

I think the defaults of “best posts in topic” are fine (it has a very odd name now cause it clashes with AI summary @martin/@tobiaseigen )

However what I am advocating for is changing show_topic_map_in_topics_without_replies to true (it is default false now)

The argument here is:

  1. It unlocks the ability to have ai summary on single topic posts
  2. It shows views which is something many site admins want on 0 reply posts.
  3. It is not visually bulky now
  4. If it is default we are much more likely to improve design issues, I think we probably want to remove one line for single post topics @chapoi (it is enabled here now)

Curious what you think about this @awesomerobot as well?

On the AI side @Saif/@Falco I do think it may make sense to have a safeguard where we only show “summary” on topics with more than N words.

The topic table already has word_count so maybe you need more than 100 words to show the summarize button by default.


What line do you mean?

This is crucial I think.

I’d say everything could be shown, even when zero, except the estimated read time. I’d still hide that when under 3min. It has very little value as a low number. Then again, if you’re already showing the whole element… I guess it doesn’t matter anymore.


This seems fine, we can adjust based on feedback if people feel like it’s too much…

This is a good reason for it, but most sites won’t have AI summaries enabled…

it would be nice if this could be a more default feature but I guess there’s not much to be done when it relies on an additional service with a cost involved


Views and view history is still very important for old unanswered questions and documentation