Normally, we see reply, view, user, likes, and link count at the bottom of the original post, but occasionally this info won’t appear. While I assume that could mean no one has visited the topic, in this particular case, there are no replies, but I can see several links within the post have been clicked more than once, which leads me to believe that some users have viewed the topic.
I understand your logic regarding what constitutes a topic, however, there’s still value in users visiting/reading content in a forum even if they don’t respond. For that reason, it’s helpful for us to see these metrics for every topic.
Is replying to the topic the only way to trigger the topic map? Are there any hacky ways I can make that happen for topics with no replies?
While we understand your comments from above, we think it would be very cool to be able to see the Topic Map/Summary widget also for topics not having any replies nor any other interaction with it as it happens to be for the latter topic referenced above.
I understand that metrics for “replies”, “users” and “likes” might just display as zero, but making the “views” metric visible for every visitor as well as the “Popular Links” section would be valuable to us.
So, I am humbly asking if you could consider displaying the Topic Map as an option, maybe toggled through a specific configuration setting, even when there are no replies to that topic whatsoever.
Thanks for listening, keep up the spirit and with kind regards,