Nice. Thank you very much for your nice work here. I have also applied a:
.user-post-count {
margin-top: .1rem;
to have it aligned with the username. Not sure if it’s the best approach, but it works
Nice. Thank you very much for your nice work here. I have also applied a:
.user-post-count {
margin-top: .1rem;
to have it aligned with the username. Not sure if it’s the best approach, but it works
We use GitHub - communiteq/discourse-custom-post-display which @michaeld wrote for us years ago. It shows the joined date, number of posts, and number of likes.
Looks nice too. How its looks on mobile? You need to click the "i* to show these infos?
Works great on mobile- it just drops the word “Joined”. No need to click anything. The “i” is a separate thing.
Nice. Love it. It would be cool with the total topics included with the total posts, + a update for the FA6. But it looks its easy to do
I think you should ask Communiteq to upgrade it to use FA6 icons. For me it looks like its’s using 5, and that will break at some point, not too far away in the future.
I see, I’m actually running my fork of the project, and I’ve made some tweaks and FA6 upgrades. I forgot I had done that. GitHub - markschmucker/discourse-custom-post-display
Nice. I have updated it to serialize and use the “user_topic_count” too. I based myself in the @Arkshine code