I want to Start my own Community

Hey guys …

I literally know nothing about coding or anything got to do with computer studies …

I just wanted to know how I can start my own community exactly the same as https://community.infinite-flight.com/ !

What are the steps and is it for free ?

Thanks :slightly_smiling:


Also please don’t go into the hard details as I won’t understand

@codinghorror can you please help me

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Try our 30 minute install guide:


It is for free ? Sorry for asking

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Also it’s too complicated ! Any easier way ?

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Yes, it is free (see Copyright / License for more details).


You can purchase our one time install plan for $99 – https://payments.discourse.org/buy/


It’s still a Little complicated as I know nothing how to create , code or anything about computers but thanks anyway :slight_smile:

The software itself is indeed free. However, you need a means of hosting it so others can access it (after all, what good is a forum that only you have access to).

If you already have access to a server, then yes, there is a ‘free’ option.
If you do not have access to a server, you will need one that can run something called docker.
DigitalOcean’s $10.00 a month plan can host small communities. Someone can walk you through the installation process or you can do the additional $99 fee that Discourse offers.
Otherwise, you can have Communiteq (formerly DiscourseHosting) host and install it for 20.00 a month, or have Discourse host it and get far more direct support.

Otherwise, you can always jump into an existing community, help out, and help built out that community. I suppose the question at hand is, what exactly do you want to do, and why do you want to do it?


Yes that’s also the question !


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