Images not publishing to Discourse in WP 5.3

Adding to your Discourse allowed iframes site setting should fix the issue. You will need to click the “Rebuild HTML” button for posts that have already been published to get the videos to show up.

The update shouldn’t change anything for posts that have not been published with the Block editor. When I try publishing the markup you shared, I get the exact same result when I try publishing the post with the old WP Discourse code as I do when I publish it with the updated code.

What version of WordPress is your site on?

It worked perfectly!

Thank you for your advice.

I’m using WP 5.4.1.

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Unfortunately this is not working for me. The images show intially and then disapear. I have tried with download remote images enabled and disabled.

I just published this: Connecting With Our Audience - Nature Photographers Network

Here is the Discourse topic: Connecting With Our Audience - Articles - Nature Photographers Network

I’m on 2.0.5 and the latest Discourse

When I go to that topic, I’m seeing images being served from wpengine. Possibly you have already edited the post or have disabled the download remote images setting.

One thing that’s surprising is that some images have their source set to and some images have their source set to The images with their source set to are creating mixed content warnings on your Discourse site. I’m not sure why you’re getting two different image sources.

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I noticed that as well and it seems to be part of the problem. I did try editing the post to change those urls, which worked temporarily and then they disappeared again. Then I updated it from wordpress to reset it back and that was what came over. I just turned download remote images back on and updated the post again with the same results. This seems to be a never ending problem so I’m going to suck it up and switch over to an excerpt. I appreciate all your help trying to get this to work but there seems to be too many variables to make this option reliable sadly.

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The issue with broken images should be fixed for most cases when the Block Editor is used for publishing posts. If you are finding broken images in posts that have been published with the Block Editor, let me know.

If you are unable to use the Block editor, or if using it is not resolving the issue, see Fix broken images for posts created by the WP Discourse and RSS plugins for details about resolving the issue. The short version of that topic is that you can prevent the issue by adding the domain that your images are being served from to your Discourse disabled image download domains site setting.


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