Importing blog post which are in draft mode in ghost

Hey folks,

first of all happy holiday to all of you!

I do run a blog with ghost and have set up discourse with the official docker setup.
Then I used the ghost discourse integration in order to have comments on my blog via discourse.

Works fine except that when you disable this flag Imported topics will be unlisted until there is a reply. discourse will also import blog posts that are still in draft mode.

Is this a bug or do I hold it wrong?

Honestly I am not sure :slight_smile: I think @eviltrout oversaw this feature so he will probably have some feedback next week.

It’s not a bug per se - Discourse will import any topic it finds that meets the import criteria. It should remain unlisted though until you publish it. Does that not work for you?

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I removed the checkbox from Imported topics will be unlisted until there is a reply. as it was before.

Then I created a post in draft and will wait now.
It works like expected.

When checked, I think it will import topics sometimes twice?


that caused confusion for me.

The first 2 are drafts and the 3. one is just double for some reason.