Importing from NodeBB

Is there a way to import users and posts from NodeBB into Discourse?

Have a look in – I don’t see any nodebb in there at the moment, though.


Our community has decided that migrating from NodeBB would take too much time to be worth the effort, so we’ve decided to start a fresh Discourse forum.

Here is the unfinished importer I was working on. If anyone else needs to make a NodeBB importer, feel free to use this code.


Any plans for nodebb to be included in import scripts?

Sure, a PR to add an importer would be super welcome.

Sorry @sam what does that mean?

Discourse is open source, if anyone wants to contribute an importer for nodebb it would be welcome.

With topic marked solved, I guessed incorrectly someone was already working on it and it would be added to the list.

Sounds like anyone with NodeBB will have to wait for a developer. Thanks!

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