Migrate a phpBB3 forum to Discourse

My migration is done and successful.
However, I face two issues. Let me know if it’s off-topic.

  1. Some post contents have this kind of content:


    The images are showing in the preview, but broken in the post itself, even after rebuilding the HTML:

    The generated HTML for each image is:

    <p><a href="https://www.casimages.com/i/1907271151181956116331666.jpg.html" data-bbcode="true"><span alt="" class="broken-image" title="This image is broken"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-unlink svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#unlink"></use></svg></span></a></p>

    I encounter this issue on many posts. Do you have any idea to fix that globally?

  2. Like many old forums, old Imageshack links have been broken for a long time, and for ever. But some links now display a Ukraine flag instead of nothing:

    How would you handle this behavior?
    I’m open to any idea, but an admin of the forum has a static save of the whole forum on an old hard drive, where most of the old images are valid (since downloaded and stored locally). I’m thinking that in the future I could maybe create a script that would replace all Imageshack “dead” links by the valid images from the static version. It seems very tricky to do, but for this reason, I’m not sure I want to simply remove all Imageshack links from the forum by replacing them with an empty string or something like that.

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