Migrate a phpBB3 forum to Discourse

Which procedure for the phpbb3 importer should be used when running discourse_dev in a docker container under WSL?

I have tried doing both the procedure 1. Importing using a Docker container and procedure 2. Importing using development environment. Neither has worked although I did get the script to run to completion under procedure 1 but no data actually made it into the forum database despite the many queries seeming to have succeeded as they went along. Could there be a different database involved that is being populated due to import being run in its own container separate from the discourse_dev container?

In the case of procedure 2 it is simply not possible to execute the build which fails with β€œAn error occurred while installing tiny_tds (2.1.5), and Bundler cannot continue.”

Should I try doing a β€˜standard install’ (non-docker, non-dev) in WSL then do the Docker-based import?

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