Now that “Tags” is bundled into the core, the overview page (/tags) could use some love. It would be nice if you could add it to the top nav from the admin (without adding custom code) and also to preserve the top nav on the page itself, as is the case with the categories overview page (/categories).
If you mock up the page with a highlighted Tags button, you’ll see that it makes just as much sense as does Categories. (But it does highlights that the top bar is quite dense and that the information there is not symmetrical.)
Admittedly, in my OP I hadn’t fully thought of the implications. I had assumed that “Categories” was OK, and therefore “Tags” was OK as well. But if “Categories” is confusing, then I don’t have a suggestion.
My hunch is that the “Categories” label is OK. Not all menu items have to be versions of the same thing. They are all different views into the site’s content, it’s just that not all those views are lists of topics. In this case, adding /badges, etc. as I had suggested, is a probably a bad idea.
Yes. Groups as well, in symmetry with users, unless there’s a reason I haven’t thought of.
I’ve actually stopped updating Discourse until I can figure out how to handle a missing feature, so I’ll be happy as long as it gets implemented sometime