Improved Bookmarks with Reminders

I didn’t realize that. Thanks for the tip!


I see a couple places that are awkward with the new bookmarks functioning:

In the /u/name/notifications view, bookmarks are shown but they are missing from the filter options (which only have responses, likes, mentions, and edits).

In the /u/name/activity/bookmarks view, the only dates indicated are for future reminders. It would be preferable to show the past dates as well (nice to know how long it’s been since the reminder was triggered), but that should be distinct visually. And it would be great to have the ability to filter to only see future or only past-date bookmarks when in that view.


This shouldn’t be too hard because we have a reminder_last_sent_at column.

Thanks for reporting this; we also intend to make it so the bookmark reminder notifications stick to the top of this page like unread PM notifications.


Hey guys

Are there any plans to add a feature to share bookmarks with other users?
We want to utilize it for our staff


I would love for reoccurring bookmarks to be added (reminder every hour, reminder every single day, reminder every week, reminder every month, reminder every year, custom time frame, etc).


I have a use case for that. I have a PM that I use for keeping track of my daily activity on this site. I bookmark the PM every day to remind myself to add my update. Sometimes I forget to set the bookmark for the next day. A recurring bookmark would solve the problem. I’m not sure how common of a use case this is though.


I have a similar use case (Christmas countdown and countdowns in general). It would make my life so much easier. Part of me really hopes that it will be added in the near future. :slight_smile:


I have a use case for creating a new recurring topic on a weekly basis, so I would also benefit from recurring bookmark reminders.


Not sure what you mean by this, can you expand a bit? Do you mean setting bookmark reminders for other staff?

We are also contemplating recurring reminders, but I am not sure where that is at right now. Will discuss further internally.


Our use case: Our forum staff creates bookmarks for interesting and outstanding content during their normal forum use and participation. They add a brief description or keywords for our author staff.

The goal is to share those saved bookmarks with the blog authors so that they can use the bookmarked content to create or update existing posts in our blog.


Bookmarks are great and for some communities essential.

One small idea for improvement. Could we get keyboard focus (at least on the desktop) into the field for “What is this bookmark for” after showing the modal “Create boomark”?


I use bookmarks for two things: reminding me to handle topics and a place to quickly access topics I use frequently.

I would love the ability to filter the list by bookmarks with a reminder and bookmarks without a reminder. Otherwise this list is often too cluttered for me to easily browse for reminder topics.


Sounds like a reasonable refinement, feel free to take that @martin


Sure, we already purposefully unfocus it for mobile so will be a cinch to do the opposite for desktop.

There are a few improvements to the list I still want to make; this would be good along with pinning certain bookmarks.


I take back what I said above – I realised this was removed because then you have to press Tab to get out of the input to use any of the bookmark reminder shortcuts:


aha … OK … no change needed then.


Fix merged to show the bookmark name on hover in the quick access bookmark menu.


I found a little bug that can happen with split topics. If you bookmark a post and that post is split into a new topic, the bookmark gets into a weird limbo state (note the last post is bookmarked at the beginning of the video):


Ah interesting, I think in this case the bookmark has the same post ID but a different topic ID. Should be an easy fix, I’ll handle this today :slight_smile:

Edit: I have merged a fix now which includes a migration to clean up


Hmmm, can there be an issue with the migration? I have migrated Discourse to a new server from 2.5.0 to 2.7.0.beta5. Now posts are not working, get 500 server error. Also can’t create new topics and bookmarks.
I have checked the logs and see this error:

Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 106ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | Allocations: 38255)
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR:  column bookmarks.auto_delete_preference does not exist
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