In Discourse, all js and css files are presented separately. Why don't we combine them into one or two files and present them?

In Discourse, all js and css files are presented separately. For years I thought it was better to combine, optimize and present these files. Please warn me if I am missing some important things here, but unfortunately the initial boot speed is very slow and would it be beneficial to reduce the number of these files?

For example, if there were 1 or 2 css files instead of 30 css files, could it speed up the processes even more?

Imagine this, if your site opens in 1-2 seconds when you type it in the address bar and press enter. Hmm that would be great.


I agree, it is very functional, very fast after opening and we are in love with it… Let’s improve it a little more and make it the best of the best :slight_smile:

it seems logical.


Well, for me reality here is 2 secs. Those lab-tests are different world.

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Still, there is a waiting period of at least 5-6 seconds. When I test it outside, the waiting time can be really long.

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Slow connections?

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I will test this at the first opportunity.

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Some of that, I think, will be that they do a cold start and have to load all the assets. Most of the time, forum users will have those assets cached in their browsers.

I do suspect there are possible improvements to load times, and maybe some of the tips from these lab tests are worth following up on.

evidence is required here, bundling is something that yields big benefits on HTTP 1.1 sites, not on 2.0 sites.

I sure want stuff to be faster, but when eval in JavaScript is where the bottleneck is then fiddling with bundling is not the right place.


I think this is not just limited to the HTTP standard. Some sites open in 2-3 seconds. The Discourse 10 second wait screen is a bit of a pain. There is a saying in Turks: Every beauty has a flaw. I hope the discourse will correct this flaw over time.

Again — it comes from server of a forum AND user’s connections AND user’s device

I don’t know how the team can fix differences between all districts of the States, Finland or Turkey, or make crowded 4G network giving 3M speed any faster. Or if an user uses entry level chinese mobile lacking enough RAM and mass memory is full of funny cat photos.

Sure. The first time could be faster if Discourse would build as ”normal” web sites. But then every page load would be equally or more slow.

It is bummer, if Dicourse is slow to you, honestly. But for me in Finland iPhone SE behind home wifi that gets signal from 4G and marketing speed is 200M gives around 2 sec waiting time.

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Actually, you know what crossed my mind today. The app feature is always fast. I will tell you how to introduce and install this to every user. In this way, it will both look like an application and give a quick impression. I love Discourse. I have no intention of leaving him for now. I will try every way to make the most of it,

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