We should also have a core of 10 badges that are auto-awarded for reasons that support our goal of civilized discourse. In other words, the badges encourage specific behaviors on the forum that help people have better conversations. These 10 should be exemplary, clearly excellent examples of good behaviors.
In cases of mental health troubles (regression) and account sharing i think it would be good if these were revocable.
1 - Great, though those default coloured shapes aren’t all that great for picking out who is who as many are too similar. And people prefer Red or Green.
2 - Awesome and great for all our younger members
3 - Ditto Though both #2 and 3 are open for abuse in that they don’t mean all that much to badge collectors, they can like any post, even a ‘+1’ and they don’t actually have to read the Community guidelines, simply click on it.
4 - Great teaching method
5 - Ok
6 - Probably the best idea so far
7 - Much like collecting steam game cards you can just open a topic and do your housework, come back in 5 mins and scroll down some. Taking Steam as an example. Many people with OCD are addicted to badge collecting and do it in a very militarised fashion. There are also people with sever OCD begging Steam to remove cards and badges. This can be evidenced by reading Steam discussions about badge collecting.
8 - Awesome
9 - Great as long as people don’t flag posts just to get the badge. I would guess us moderators would need to agree with the flagger. This poses a problem that if an OP is flagged and we click ‘agree + hide post’ the topic is gone forever into the digital void. Or has that system been changes since i last erroneously clicked ‘agree + hide post’?
10 - Simple and a great teaching tool for new forumites
11 - Great way to teach new members what trust level is and why they got blocked for spamming youtube links as it seems quite a few users don’t read those pop ups that D. provides.
My suggestion would be;
‘Bans on Record’ badge - An anti badge no one wants. I feel this would help younger members stay on topic and spam less. Also this may help ornery members be more polite.
‘Never Been Banned’ - This needs a more creative name. Of course this would be revoked once a ban has occured.
‘Reported a forum bug’ could be considered.
Thats all i have time for right now but will pop back later.