Inserting date/time into new topic's title field (ie, right here > !)

Is that possible ?
Could there be an “insert date/time” button (date picker) for the thread/topic’s
title field ?

Hello and welcome @meave :slight_smile:

There isn’t a way to insert a date into the topic title like that, though the Calendar plugin has an Event feature which can display the date of an event next to its topic title in the topic lists if that could be of use?

You’d need to have these calendar plugin options selected for that particular display format:


Thanks, but i don’t think that’s what i want … far too complicated !
I just want to facilitate insertion of date/time in a thread’s title like
you can in the thread body (with 2 clicks).

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you can do it manually by copying the topic post (first post time stamp) and then editing the title field and adding it at the end. only problem is that it won’t be a proper localized timestamp for other users.

i suspect there may be a possible solution that involves making a custom theme component (or plugin) using the plugin-outlet in the edit topic title code location . :slight_smile:

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Hmmm. Thanks Lilly, that also sounds too complicated !!
(I want posters to get into the habit of adding dates on the titles in
(certain) posts so it needs to be as simple as possible.)

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all posts (including topic original posts) are date-stamped where the time is on the top right corner of the post. hovering over it gives specific details and click//tapping gives the share post link modal with the details above the link field.

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We have a theme component… somewhere… that adds a shortcut for “Insert the current timestamp” to the editor.


only part of this i haven’t quite figured out is the getting the actual date to show. i’ve got the plugin outlet working there and have inserted a number of things to test it. but i can’t find a way to get the post date widget to display a valid date :thinking:

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That was rolled into discourse/discourse in this PR

But that only works for a post body, not a topic title.


Rats !!! So close !