Internal Server Error when editing users posts after update

Just updated today ( v2.2.0.beta6 +5

and now my staff nor I cant edit posts. If we try too then we get an internal server error and it doesnt go thru.

NameError (uninitialized constant DiscoursePoll::POLLS_CUSTOM_FIELD Did you mean? PostCustomField) /var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-elections/lib/poll_edits.rb:6:in `update'
	5:13 pm
NameError (uninitialized constant DiscoursePoll::POLLS_CUSTOM_FIELD Did you mean? PostCustomField) /var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-elections/lib/poll_edits.rb:6:in `update'
	5:20 pm
NameError (uninitialized constant DiscoursePoll::POLLS_CUSTOM_FIELD Did you mean? PostCustomField) /var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-elections/lib/poll_edits.rb:6:in `update'
	5:37 pm 

Going thru the error logs it looks like this is the poll plugin. We have a number of active polls on the site right now. If we remove this, what happens to the polls that are posted?

Edit: I unenabled the plugin from the admin section but still gives the error. Guessing I need to remove from the app.yaml and rebuild?

Exactly that. Remove the discourse-elections plugin from the app.yml, rebuild and the site will be back.


Thanks Falco. Just did it.