✨ Introducing Discourse on Ghost

I’m pleased to announce that the Discourse on Ghost (DoG) integration has just been released, an open source tool that by serving as Discourse’s Single Sign-On (SSO) provider allows Ghost members to seamlessly access the site’s forum with the same permissions they have on the publication. You can read more about the integration, as well as find links to a couple of sites already using DoG, over on Ghost’s forum.


As a bit of an aside, there’s currently one small limitation to DoG, that being that Discourse only allows for posts from a particular site to be placed into a singular category, meaning it’s unable to automatically place the topic of newly-created posts into one of several pre-created categories (each associated with a specific Ghost tier). This is explained in the docs, along with the manual workaround for those whose Ghost sites entail more than a simple subscription setup.

I’d of course offer a PR myself to address this, although as I only know HTML and CSS that’s going to be a little bit impossible. Nonetheless, I imagine that the official Discourse + Ghost integration embed code might utilise something like the following additional line :upside_down_face:


I recently came across the same issue, and I see we connected in another Discourse instance :slight_smile:

Have you managed to resolve the issue? I’m planning to try a modified version provided by the maintainer to integrate trust levels with tiers on Ghost.

Once that’s done, I’ll look into hiring developers to refine the solution and ensure it’s fully operational in a production environment.

Please ping me if you are reading and can work it out!

Sorry for the delayed reply.

No, I haven’t resolved the issue, as I imagine it would require changes to the Discourse platform itself. I would like it resolved though so, supposing Discourse were amenable to a PR, perhaps when I’ve got some funding I’ll look into hiring a developer to write the necessary code.

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