Introducing Font Awesome 5 and SVG icons

Wondering “how do you load a plugin from a private repository?” after reading this thread? My bad, here’s how you do that:

  1. cd /var/discourse
  2. vim containers/app.yml
  3. Add plugin repo to app.yml similar to public gits, but make these changes to the https link.

- git clone

Instead of grabbing the https from github as per usual, the git URL is comprised of:

  1. Your github username followed by the colon character :
  2. Your github password followed by the ampersand at character @
  3. Github’s URL followed by the forward-slash character /
  4. Your github username followed by the forward-slash character /
  5. Your plugin repository-name followed by .git

Hope this helps. :raised_hands:


You can also use a token, which avoids having to use username and password. Github provides a means to generate the token.


Hey @jameshahnii, @merefield’s reply is the current recommended method. See Install Plugins in Discourse for full details.


Hi there! I was wondering if it would be possible to add a custom icon into a theme component.

We are looking to use the above component to have categories%20icon be a linked icon in our instance’s header.

Even after examining the instructions both here and in the related topic, I’m still a tad confused as to how I might go about doing this.


I have updated the “Adding custom icons” section in the OP @justin.noom, it might be easier to follow the steps now.


Thank you @pmusaraj! :smiley:

So, if I were to upload a .svg entitled test.svg to the component and then add test to svg_icons - it would then show up properly?

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Not quite. The uploaded file should be an SVG sprite. Its name doesn’t matter, but it’s important that the symbols it contains have IDs, which you can then use in the components that accept icons (iconified header links, tag icons, category icons, etc.). Make sure you look at the example SVG sprite in the OP.


Would the settings depicted below properly represent that?

Current component settings:

Sprite used:




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You need to reupload your svg sprite, and use icons-sprite as the var name:

Is noom-info the ID for your symbol in the SVG sprite?


Unfortunately I didn’t initially compile it - is there any software you might recommend that could check/edit that information?

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You can do it by hand, SVGs are XML. A quick Google search gave this useful link: SVG `symbol` a Good Choice for Icons | CSS-Tricks (the sample file in the OP is also very easy to read, it only has two symbols).


That looks like an awesome resource, thank you!


Is it possible to use the fontawesome duotone icons? The svg code is a bit different in these and do not have the symbol element that seems to be necessary in the sprite file. Below is an example with some of the information stripped out to avoid in copyright infringement since it is part of the paid fontawesome package.

<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fad" data-icon="award" class="svg-inline--fa fa-award fa-w-12" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 384 512"><g class="fa-group"><path class="fa-secondary" fill="currentColor" d="M382.78 448.69L324 304.23a40.63 40.63 0 0 1-22.23 15.62C280 325.78 278.26.25-38.28 52.69 2A16 16 0 0 0 384 455.33a16.23 16.23 0 0 0-1.22-6.64zM192 240a64 64 0 1 0-64-64 64 64 0 0 0 64 64z" opacity="0.4"></path><path class="fa-primary" fill="currentColor" d="M366.62 152.72a41.51 41.51 0 0 0-10.42-39.59c-20.41-20.77-18.47-17.35-25.95-45.74a40.66 40.66 0 0 0-28.47-29c-27.88-7.61-24.54-25 25.95-45.75a41.49 41.49 0 0 0 10.42-39.58c-7.48-28.36-7.49-24.4-.01-52.81zM192 272a96 96 0 1 1 96-96 96 96 0 0 1-96 96z"></path></g></svg>


I’m not able to test this right now, but it looks possible. You can try to convert the svg element to a symbol with an id and if that works then you can add the fa-primary and fa-secondary styles to your stylesheet.


I’ve found out that the custom icons work better (if not at all) if they are single path, with no groups and without any transform.

In order to convert one random svg to such a svg file with inkscape, one can:

  1. Ungroup everything, select all and [Path/Object to path]
  2. Get and install the Apply transform extension and use it on the remaining path: [Extension/Modify path/Apply transforms]
  3. Save all as an optimized svg, and select almost all the options so everything but the path is deleted.

Then one only has to copy the path, the viewbox attribute and to select the id name.


Hi, I’m dealing with some problems when dealing with the icons in my theme:

  1. To activate more FA icons, I added to my settings.yml:
  default: "youtube|linkedin"
  type: "list"
  list_type: "compact"

But it doesn’t worked.

  1. I also tried to add custom icons


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<symbol id="i-facebook" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M30.235 0H1.766C.791 0 .001.791.001 1.765v28.469c0 .976.791 1.765 1.765 1.765h15.325V19.607h-4.172v-4.828h4.172v-3.567c0-4.132 2.525-6.38 6.212-6.38 1.767 0 3.285.129 3.728.188v4.32H24.47c-2 0-2.389.961-2.389 2.361v3.081h4.779l-.62 4.84h-4.159v12.376h8.153c.977 0 1.767-.789 1.767-1.765V1.764c0-.975-.789-1.765-1.765-1.765z"/></symbol>
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<symbol id="i-linkedin" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M27.263 27.269h-4.739v-7.425c0-1.771-.036-4.049-2.469-4.049-2.471 0-2.848 1.927-2.848 3.919v7.556h-4.739V12.001h4.552v2.081h.061c.636-1.2 2.183-2.467 4.493-2.467 4.801 0 5.689 3.16 5.689 7.273v8.381zM7.116 9.911a2.75 2.75 0 01-2.751-2.753 2.752 2.752 0 112.751 2.753zm2.376 17.358H4.74V12h4.752v15.269zM29.633 0H2.361C1.056 0 0 1.032 0 2.305v27.389c0 1.275 1.056 2.305 2.361 2.305h27.268c1.304 0 2.371-1.031 2.371-2.305V2.305C32 1.032 30.933 0 29.629 0h.004z"/></symbol>
<symbol id="i-mail" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 44 32"><path d="M39.269 32a4.372 4.372 0 004.363-4.363V4.364A4.372 4.372 0 0039.269.001H4.363A4.372 4.372 0 000 4.364v23.273A4.372 4.372 0 004.363 32h34.906zM4.363 1.457h34.906a2.91 2.91 0 012.906 2.906v23.273a2.91 2.91 0 01-2.906 2.906H4.363a2.91 2.91 0 01-2.906-2.906V4.363a2.91 2.91 0 012.906-2.906zm17.803 19.686c1.79 0 3.468-.75 4.721-2.113L38.153 6.707a.735.735 0 00-.043-1.031.727.727 0 00-1.031.043L25.813 18.05c-1.943 2.113-5.352 2.113-7.295 0L7.235 5.71a.73.73 0 10-1.074.988l11.283 12.34c1.253 1.355 2.932 2.105 4.721 2.105zM6.698 26.938c.17 0 .349-.06.494-.187l9.92-9.059c.298-.273.315-.733.043-1.023s-.733-.315-1.031-.043l-9.92 9.042a.72.72 0 00-.043 1.023.722.722 0 00.537.247zm30.944 0a.743.743 0 00.537-.239.725.725 0 00-.043-1.023l-9.937-9.067c-.298-.273-.75-.256-1.023.043s-.256.758.043 1.023l9.928 9.059a.698.698 0 00.494.205z"/></symbol>
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<symbol id="i-github" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="#212121" d="M12 .5C5.37.5 0 5.78 0 12.292c0 5.211 3.438 9.63 8.205 0-.28-.01-1.022-.015-2.005-3.338.711-4.042-1.582-4.042-1.582-.546-1.361-1.335-1.725-1.335-1.725-1.087-.731.084-.716.084-.716 1.205.082 1.838 1.215 1.838 1.215 1.07 1.803 2.809 1.282 3.495.981.108-.763.417-1.282.76-1.577-2.665-.295-5.466-1.309-5.466-5.827 0-1.287.465-2.339 1.235-3.164-.135-.298-.54-1.497.105-3.121 0 0 1.005-.316 3.3 1.209.96-.262 1.98-.392 3-.398 1.02.006 2.04.136 3 .398 2.28-1.525 3.285-1.209 3.285-1.209.645 1.624.24 2.823.12 3.121.765.825 1.23 1.877 1.23 3.164 0 4.53-2.805 5.527-5.475 5.817.42.354.81 1.077.81 2.182 0 1.578-.015 2.846-.015 3.229 0 .309.21.678.825.56C20.565 21.917 24 17.495 24 12.292 24 5.78 18.627.5 12 .5z"/></symbol>


"assets": {
  "icons": "assets/icons.svg"

And it doesn’t worked too.

The code that tries to show the FontAwesome icon is:

<svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-linkedin svg-icon svg-node" aria-hidden="true">
  <use xlink:href="#fab-linkedin"></use>

And the custom:

<svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-facebook svg-icon svg-node" aria-hidden="true">
  <use xlink:href="#i-facebook"></use>

I’m using and when looking for the sprite, I found this:


This is the content of sprite:

And yet, inside it, there are neither type of icons.

What do I need to do to place the icon correctly?

Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks <3


I believe the variable name must be icons-sprite, see first post :arrow_up:
Uploading a sprite to a theme component using the GUI worked great for me.


I was looking for a specific icon from Font Awesome 5, but it doesn’t seem to be available in my Discourse installation (it was updated within the last week). How often do the bundled Font Awesome icons get updated?


That is a pro FA icon, you can only use it in Discourse using a plugin (core does not support non-free FontAwesome icons). You can try with this plugin though: FontAwesome Pro icons.


Thanks @pmusaraj! I’ll take a look at that plugin! :pray: