Use invite system to invite course participants to topic in secure category

I think this would mean using the API, right?

When I tried to test the API request PUT ‘{{base-url}}/groups/{{groupName}}/members.json’ with the request:

"emails": "email1,email2",
"notify": "true"

Assuming email1 is already a registered user then email1 will successfully receive a notification and be added to the private group; however, assuming email2 is not a registered user then an invitation email is sent, but when email2 signs up for an account the account is not added to the group.

However, even if we say that this step worked perfectly it doesn’t redirect these users to the specified topic. Invitation links features are great:

  1. Course participant is in Chapter 3 but has not registered in the forum.
  2. Clicks on the invitation link, sent to the registration page,
  3. After participant signups or logs in, invitee added to private group & redirected to related topic (Chapter 3). [we want to make it easier for participants to join the discussion forum and it’s not compulsory which means not all participants will necessarily join from intro or chapter 1; however, if they decide to join later on during the course, it’s supposed to be easy]

Invitation links are a perfect solution if they worked! I don’t know how come they work fine for @JammyDodger but @tobiaseigen and I are facing an issue when reproducing the steps that new users are not redirected to the topic post (