Invite option visible on profile, but leads to blank page

I can see the Invites option on my profile here on meta, but visiting the page it’s blank, no option to invite visible:

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AFAIK this is not a Bug, but may be poor UX or poor copy.

i.e. that is to show Invites you have sent, not to do the actual inviting.

I think that’s correct, when I click that think I see this:

And when I change the link to have my username, I get a blank version, as well:

How many Invites have you sent?

None, so far. I’ll try it and see what happens to that page.

Invited myself, this is me having accepted the invite.

It’s still blank for me, does it show anything to you?

Yep (definitely looks like a bug of some sort)


So on my install I see this at the top of that page:

I don’t want to start flat out guessing what’s happening here, but either a UI element is missing from there to send invites, or I shouldn’t be able to invite as a member, surely?

@techapj can you have a look?

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This was a legit bug, and a serious one! Fixed via:

Thanks for reporting it @steve_pd :+1: