iOS Mobile App Notifications

What infra has to be built? I thought they were either handled by the discourse server itself or OneSignal (I can’t remember which).

We handle notifications for our customer on dedicated infrastructure we host.

The notifications contain data we are allowed to handle, since we host the customers.

Sorry. Was thinking this was a different thread (this one: Whitelisted Discourse app with Push Notifications via OneSignal)

Edit: it’s probably worth noting that the thread I linked has ostensibly solved all of those problems. However, I’ve never done it myself.

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Please consider offering it as a paid service.
There are use cases where notifications are desired, while most of the discussion content (except for the data in the notification) should still remain on private servers.

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We do offer it as a paid service, sign up for our hosting at

+1: using your hosting is not an option, our Discourse-based intranet has to be on premise on our servers. But we would like to “outsource” the notifications.

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I wonder what your data protection officers / legal people think of that. Either they want to keep everything in house, or it does not matter. But we hardly see both at the same time.


Good news for notifications on self-hosted :grinning:


Very good news indeed! Thank you for sharing that with us here :bowing_man: cc @pmusaraj @Falco

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From what I understand, it won’t work with Discourse. Have I gotten my hopes up over nothing? :cry:

It’s too soon to say. Anything might or might not be allowed by the time 2023 rolls around.

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The (presumed) lack of WKWebView support only implies it won’t work with Discourse Hub.
But if iOS gets push notifications support for web apps and websites then who needs an app anyway?


The application serves as a nice hub for all of the Discourse communities you actively browse.

Push notification support for web apps will be a game changer though. :partying_face:

Fair point, I do however enjoy the ability in DiscourseHub to quick switch between different Disocurse sites…but maybe that could be built into a website easily or even within Discourse.

Federation support?

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