Is it possible to enable a Latest link in the sidebar?

I don’t like how “Latest” is no longer in the sidebar though. Any way to simply add that under “Community”?

Hi STORMS ! :cloud_with_lightning:

You can change the behavior of the links in the sidebar in your user preferences:

It’s not exactly the same thing, but maybe that could suit you :slight_smile:

edit: I might have misread you. Clicking on “Everything”, by default, leads to /latest.


Love the storm cloud!

Thanks for the suggestion, but that’s not exactly it. I feel the sidebar handcuffs me in a way now. When clicking on your avatar in the upper right; it should still be able to link you like normal, but it doesn’t and that bothers me too.

OK edit on the avatar thing, but the latest link is still a problem for me and I feel if it bothers me, it will probably bother others too.

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