Is it possible to upgrade Discourse automatically?

Would it be possible to automatically upgrade Discourse rather than manually pressing the ‘upgrade’ button once in a while? =)


I’m not sure this is possible. This is the first time I’ve seen a question about this. I will stand corrected if anyone knows more about this.


Thank you for your reply @ondrej.

Yes, I haven’t seen this question before, but as WordPress is supporting automatic updates (for the core, plugins and themes), I was wondering if this is possible as well for Discourse.

I don’t think that is currently possible :thinking: (I’d like to know if it is), but I think the upgrade all button in admin is excellent, and it saves you a lot of time. Running ./launcher rebuild app might also help with this :upside_down_face:.


Someone asked this recently about doing a server-side one, and the advice was that it was generally better to not do it unattended:

I think even the /upgrade version can throw up some excitement every now and again depending on what plugins you have. Though I tend to press ‘update all’ and wander off quite often, so it’s pretty much an unattended one. :slight_smile:


But you eventually wander back and know when you did it.

I offer a service where I’ll do the rebuilds when a command line upgrade is required (and a dashboard will do command line rebuilds with a click).


Thank you all for the answers, I got my answer and decided not to move on with automatic updates. :slight_smile:


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