Is it safe to upgrade Ubuntu from 14.04 to 16.04.1 via do-release-upgrade, and how-to

  • The DigitalOcean snapshot took ~20 minutes for a 40GB instance.
  • don’t forget running ./launcher cleanup before turning off your droplet and making a snapshot - it may a big difference in the snapshot size, sometimes up to 10GB
  • The do-release-upgrade took about 20 minutes for me (upgrading from 14.06 LTS to 16.06 LTS)

A few notes from the upgrade process I run through:

Answered NO.

Answered YES.

At the end:

After restarting:

Didn’t need this in my case.

Something I did not pay too much attention to, but should have done so when upgrading through a SSH connection - only googled about it later: