Is Scaleway a good option for object storage?

Hello everyone, I’ve been looking at moving my Discourse install to a VPS, I’ve found one at a nice price, but it doesn’t have all the storage I’d like, so I’ve been looking at a few object storage options, and a fairly cheap one hit me, Scaleway, it’s marked as compatible with Discourse on @Falco ‘s famous post, but I’ve been doing my research, and found that it has mixed reviews… Like A 1.8 on TrustPilot… But these reviews are usually for their server hosting, which I am not going to use, so I’d like to ask if any of you has experience with Scaleway, and if it’s a good idea to trust them with my data, thanks.


See Using Object Storage for Uploads (S3 & Clones). It appears to be supported. You can have a look at that page for details.

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Been using Scaleway for many years for their VPS (but not used their object storage yet).

Highly recommended. My experience has been great.

I do not understand that Trust Pilot feedback tbh. A case of a small group of disgruntled users having more incentive to post reviews? Also I see some naivety from reviewers, eg complaining about SMTP ports being disabled by default before you provide government ID (good!!)


Good ! I frankly don’t know if i want to go with them with all these bad reviews, but it’ll see… And the ID verification is a bit annoying, but it’s a requirement in some circumstances by French law (Scaleway is a French company), so I don’t see the issue…

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I personally enjoyed supporting a new European startup over a big established American player to help provide in my own small way more balance to the world economy.

The problems are probably most about the size and sophistication of their support team. I hope they solve that.


I have no complain so far (been using the 75G free tier with a small discourse instance for two years now)


I do prefer to support Europeans businesses , we need to make the euro come back up :sob:, but I’d just want to correct you on the fact that Scaleway is a subsidiary of a BIG internet company in France, so it’s not really a startup I’d say.


I should do more homework, thanks!

Has anyone tried Internxt Object Storage yet? It’s S3 compatible and is €7/TB/Month and for me and my teams its been a great find so just wanted to share!