Is there a limit to displayed About text when viewing category?

(Note that I played around with this, so you may need to switch between historic versions of the topic in question to see the differences I mention below.)

In this category of ours you can see the About text, which shows;

Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash - also known as the ELK Stack. Reliably and securely take data from any source, in any format, then search, analyze, and visualize it in real time.

The whole topic has this extra text below that, but doesn’t display when visiting the top-level category;

Please post your your topic under the relevant product category.

If I remove the CRLF in the About post and make those two separate paragraphs into one without the break, it shows both text sections above as one, just not as nicely formatted as we’d hoped.

And I wanted to confirm if that is intended behaviour, or something that we can configure (I couldn’t see anything in Settings to alter it)?


Just to clarify:

When you have the extra text listed asking users to post in the appropriate category, that doesn’t show up if it’s on one line but does if it’s on a separate line?

Can you share some screenshots so we can understand a bit better?


I think there is a trick:

I think you can use:

<span class="excerpt">my special excerpt</span>


<div class="excerpt">
my special excerpt

I tried the div and span approaches and they both showed only the last line.

Here’s when there is a break between the two paragraphs;

And here’s without;