Is there a plugin for "response posts?"

I run a forum that’s centered around intense political debate / intellectual discussion. I remember back in the old days of Youtube, there was a feature for “response videos” that was very helpful for creating intellectual continuity.

Is there something like this for posts? Obviously someone could respond to someone else’s post as a comment, but I wanted something that could link / notify users.

Not a 100% sure on what you’re looking for

Discourse will notify a user if their post)comment is replied to it quoted. There is also now an option to do a focused view of responses.

It is represented on the left with and arrow and number. Where the number is a responses to the post/comment. Once activated it hides all other posts except for the post and responses directly to it

@Johnny_McIvor Could you elaborate more on your question?
For now, maybe this plugin?

Like, say someone writes an interesting rant about economics.

Someone else wants to create their own thread in reply to this rant, not just a comment.

So they create a reply thread that gets automatically linked to the bottom of the original poster’s thread. When users read the original thread, they see the “response post” linked at the bottom.

You can choose to ‘reply as linked topic’ in the reply modal by clicking the reply button next to the topic name/user replying to.

This creates a link to the old topic in the new topic’s post, and also creates a link beneath the old topic’s topic post.


Thank you, I think this is it.

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