Is there a 'reddit' style discourse theme / plugin?

Sorry if this isn’t in the appropriate category, this is my first post here.

Are there any themes or plugins that can make discourse a little more like reddit or FB groups? Specifically I’m trying to replicate the way images / thumbnails show in a feed - i.e. before the user even clicks into a thread. Another example would be (note the thumbnails that show for some posts - this site is built on xenforo).

Default Discourse seems great for minimalism and clean design, but the forum I want to create will be quite image heavy - i.e. its automotive related and people like to share pics of their cars, mechanical problems, etc…



Topic List Previews or Topic List Thumbnails will I believe help.


That’s weird - I was literally just looking at Topic List Previews - plugin - Discourse Meta when you replied :wink:

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Just stumbled across this topic while looking for something else, but we do have A reddit-ish theme for Discourse now