Is there a way to allowed logins to external/plugin types only?

I’m looking at the settings in the UI and trying to figure out the correct path. So basically this is what I’m trying to do:

Allow Users to Log-in and only with discourse
can't self register with the email option
'Account gets created when they log-in using discourse option`

basically only use external login or 3rd party.

:warning: this can potentially lock you out if you don’t already have your account associated with the external authentication provider. You’ve been warned.

You can disable the enable local logins, enable local logins via email option to allow only login from external providers.


ok cool then lets say external logins stop working then this can be enabled through the command line? or if I still have my session available from external logins I can enable it back? (just making sure :)).

Yes it can be but that’s extra painful steps.

Yes definitely.

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You can go to /users/admin-login to login with email if you get locked out.


thank you for that information. I’ll keep a note on it.

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