Is there a way to limit who can use a certain tag?

Just to expand a bit on @mattdm’s response, below are the steps you can take to achieve this functionality :slight_smile:

Step 1: Create a Tag Group

  1. Go to your Tag Group panel. This can be accessed by appending /tag_groups to your forum’s URL (e.g.,
  2. Here, click on the New button to create a new tag group.
  3. Fill in the necessary details for your tag group:
  • Name: The name of your tag group.
  • Tag names: The tags that you want to include in this group. You can either select from existing tags or create new ones.
  • Optional settings such as visibility and whether tags are mandatory for certain categories can also be configured here.
  1. Click on the Save button.

Step 2: Restrict Use of Tags in the Group to Certain Users

Below is an example where the cicd-standard tag is visible to all, but restricted to admin-bots etc

You might have also missed this topic which also shows the feature.