Is there a way to link replies after they are posted?

I realized that my first pass at this made the Reply button for OP read “Reply to this comment” – just like subsequent posts. But it’s not a comment—it’s a Topic.

Aiming a similar CSS block at #post_1 can give that first button its very own text.

Here’s the full custom CSS component I’m using now, ordered by use on the page:

/* add text to Reply button for the original post (aka Topic)  */
#post_1 {
  .actions {
    button.reply {
      span.d-button-label:after {
        // Adding this content after Reply
        content: " to this Topic";

/* add text to Reply button for all subsequent posts (I'm calling them comments)  */ {
  .actions {
    button.reply {
      span.d-button-label:after {
        // Adding this content after Reply
        content: " to this comment";

/* add text to blue Reply (to Topic) button appearing at the end of the page */
#topic-footer-buttons {
  .topic-footer-main-buttons {
    button.btn-primary.create {
      span.d-button-label:after {
        // Adding this content after Reply
        content: " to main Topic";