Is there a jQuery spellchecker? I know that it exists in the browser, but that is unsatisfactory
thank you
Is there a jQuery spellchecker? I know that it exists in the browser, but that is unsatisfactory
thank you
I would avoid jQuery as much as possible.
Thank you for the information. And another alternative to my question?
No, there aren’t any existing spellchecking extension for Discourse at the moment. Mostly because that is usually provided by the user browser, either natively or via browser extensions (like the super popular Grammarly).
If you looking into developing a new #theme-components, there are many JS spellchecking projects on the wild, like https://www.javascriptspellcheck.com/.
Just to say it would be super useful to have a built in spellchecker - all of my install’s users clearly are not using a spellchecker on thier browsers!
You can with AI Helper.
Let’s test with your message
Final result:
Just to say, it would be super useful to have a built-in spellchecker - all of my install’s users clearly are not using a spellchecker on their browsers!
I think this is a great solution.