Issue using custom icon with Tag Icons

Hi @pmusaraj ,
I’ve installed the Tag icons theme component. These are my current settings:

I’ve defined three tags that are attached to a Font Awesome icon:

  • bug-showstopper attached to skull-crossbone
  • bug-major attached to exclamation-triangle
  • bug-minor attached to exclamation-circle

This works just fine. However, I try to attach the fourth tag beetle to my uploaded svg-file beetle-face.svg. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work.

How do I attach my own svg-file to a tag properly? Please help me step-by-step. I’m really a beginner here on discourse (just started today) and I have limited background in web technology.
Thank you very much :slight_smile:


Hi @kristof_mulier, welcome to Discourse!

Here is how you can add a custom icon:

Basically, you need to add the SVG icon to a sprite, give it an ID and then add the sprite to the theme and set the var name for it to icons-sprite. Once that’s done, you can use the ID of the icon like the FA icon ids (and don’t use the $ symbol).


Wonderful, this worked like a charm!
Thank you @pmusaraj !
You’re awesome :+1:


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