Kanban Board

Should be fixed by this commit

Fixed by this commit

That’ll be improved by this change. But even then, the updated version of this theme component only shows avatars of assigned users, not posters. If some forums would prefer to show poster avatars, perhaps that’s something we can make configurable :thinking:


Thanks again for the developers working on this theme, I like it a lot (a tad too much maybe?).

Just spotted an issue using a self hosted Discourse 3.2.0.beta5-dev d0486a72ac and an up-to-date Discourse Kanban theme.

I have a category with 44 topics tagged todo, I see them all in the latest view, but in the board view I’m only seeing 30 topics in the todo column.

Hi, how do you set up assignments?

I can see assignments work for others, but can’t work out how to implement them ourselves. At present when I filter by assigned every topic shows up in the Unassigned column but also in any of the assignee’s columns. I’m assuming @mentioning someone assigns them, as I can’t find any other way to assign an owner to a topic.

P.S. Thank you so much for creating this @david and contributors. I’ve read through this thread, looked at the repo readme and tried the Preview (which I couldn’t get to actually show a Kanban) - is there documentation somewhere that I’m missing?

It seems that the answer is you need to also use the Assign Plugin
Is there a way to view a full Kanban filtered by who the topics are assigned to? For example my normal way of working would be in a Kanban view of everything assigned to me, showing only my #to-do #in-progress and #done items. Currently I’m able to see everything assigned to me, but I can’t differentiate between items I have done and items I still need to do.

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Anyone had an issue when rebuilding having a browser console error complaining about Ember? Can access my instance now at https://comunidad.partidodigital.org.uy

Hi Leo, welcome back!

Do you have a test account you could share? It’s behind a login, and we can’t create an account.

Additionally, what is your Discourse version? This theme component works fine on the latest version.


Hi @Arkshine.
Sent a test account by DM.
Thank you.

UPDATE: @Arkshine pointed me to try to update the plugin using safe mode and that did the trick, thank you again.


You’re welcome, I’m glad you were able to resolve your issue! :smile: