Kodular Community Theme

Hi all! :smiley:

I come to present a theme created by me, for Kodular Community :tada:

It is a theme based on the interface of Kodular Creator (the main service), which in turn adjusts to the new times using patterns similar to Google Material Design 2

Latest Topics



User - Resume


I invite you all to try it on Kodular Community :hugs:

Theme Link:


#Koded with :heart:, by Community


Epic and Minimal Theme :heart_eyes:

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Hi, How can I remove Ember selector because discourse shows that warning :warning:

This is one of my favorite Discourse themes!

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Hi thanks for the theme, a quick note the reactions icon is out of line with the other post actions buttons, is there anything I can do to align them in sync ?

beautyfully done. Thanks for this :heart_eyes: